Mine was reading. Still is. But now I don’t read as many novels, but rather voraciously consume informational materials on everything from the science of different nutrition and health modalities to how quantum theory affects emotions and how to change our lives through changing our thoughts.

Have you ever looked at your child doing their favorite thing and wondered what that is going to translate to 30 years down the line? Have you even imagined the glimmer in their eyes as they will be expressing to their own children what they learned that day 30 years in the future as they continue their earthly pursuits? Have you ever thought that keeping that glimmer alive for them might be the key to their earthly pursuits? And that YOU as their parent can nurture that every single day?

May you too find joy in the things that make the hours pass like minutes. And may you always nurture the keys to your children’s future!

All my love,

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