Self-care is a faith walk. It’s a true test of whether or not we believe the world will continue spinning if we take a break for a while.

Pick something… a shower. Every. Single. Day.

And add it to your faith walk.

Believe that everyone will still be alive when you get out.

And, remember, even when you weren’t in the shower, someone still got kicked. Whether or not you invest in yourself, stuff happens. Nothing worse is going to happen while you are showering and it happens if you don’t shower.

Believe that you matter.

Believe that you are worth investing in.

This is important… if you don’t your body will soon support you in making sure you take time for yourself by becoming sick to prove to you that you do not have to do everything. It will take a break and lay you down to show you that the world keeps on spinning whether or not you take care of yourself.

Be the example you want your children to live. Invest in yourself, trust in yourself, believe in yourself. Believe that you are worth investing in and practice it.

They will all still be alive when you get out of the shower. And more importantly, they will have an example of trust to watch. They will have a model of what you want them to believe… that they are WORTHY to be invested in.

You are worth it! Believe it.

“None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.”

– Paulo Coelho

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