Dear Sirs,

Ok. What the heck is up with these animals and the peeing/pooping everywhere??!! I have done everything I can think of and I still we cannot get a handle on the dogs just doing their business where the heck they are supposed to do it!!

What am I doing wrong!?

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

What makes you think something is wrong? 

Your truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Um…. the smell makes me think there is something wrong! We take these guys out all the time, we have doorbells for them to ring when they need to go out, we have cat boxes and per pads. 

I have provided every avenue I possibly know of in order for the pee to stay OFF the carpets and blankets and beds! Why aren’t they going where they are supposed to go?? Why do we have pee and feces all over the house??!!

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

Why do you want them to observe your desired outcome? Have you thought about that?

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Um YES! I have thought of that… because pee and poo all over the house smells incredibly bad and is unpleasant and I don’t want my house smelling like a chicken coop! That’s gross! I got pets to snuggle, not to smell up the house.

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

Is there anything Inately wrong with just having to clean it up?

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Yes! You can never get it cleaned up all the way and so it just keeps SMELLING!!

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

You’re going around our actual point. Do you see the point we’re getting at? 

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

Ya, I see you keep mentioning that maybe it’s not “bad.” But here’s the thing, so ya, maybe I’ll concede that it’s not a ‘bad’ thing necessarily cuz, you’re right, there is no wrong in the world, EWOP, and everything.

But here’s the thing… it is not PREFERRED. What about that?

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

So, you say it’s not preferred. What would be causing something that is not preferred to show up in your reality? Do you know the answer to this question?

Yours truly,

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,


Ok. Look, I know the only reason anything would be in my reality is because it is for my highest and best good. But that simply doesn’t make any sense here. WHAT in the world is going on with per and ooo everywhere being in my highest good? How in the incredible heck is THIS necessary?!

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

You think that the pee and poo is bad. That is the end. THAT is what it is showing you. It is here to show you that you still think that some things are good and some things are bad. There is nothing else but that. It is guiding you to that fact alone. 

Yours truly,

 The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

So you’re saying that these pets are going to be peeing and pooing all over the place until I accept the fact that it’s not BAD?! 

What about my agreement with the spouse that we will do everything we can to keep the animal smell down to a minimum? How do I honor that at the same time as feeling like it’s fine for there to be pee and poo everywhere? That doesn’t make sense!?

And, with the pee and poo everywhere, he is always wanting them contained and not allowing them to come out and be free in the house. That doesn’t seem fair to them, and they express that they don’t enjoy being separated from the family. How do we get to spend time with them in the whole house without having accidents all the time?

Yours truly,


Dear Smelly,

You’re missing a very important piece here. YOU are not the only one creating for these dogs and for your spouse. You have YOUR preferences, your spouse has his, your children have theirs, and your dogs have theirs. Each of you is creating within your own realities. Each of you owns your own piece here. For you, you can only own what you can own. 

What is it that YOU feel is bad?

Yours truly, 

The Sirs

Dear Sirs,

What I feel is bad is having to trap the dogs and not have them roam free because they don’t seem to be able to get a handle on their bowels. That doesn’t seem fair. 

And that was that… I had to process my own limiting belief that dogs need to be treated fairly… it wasn’t about my husband or the pee at all…. wowsers! (To learn the process I use to reduce the intensity of these limiting beliefs check out my course on Manifesting Miracles for Your Family).

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