Did you know there are books based on Minecraft!? What a great way for the family to all enjoy the storylines the kids are so involved in.
For those of us parents who aren’t gamers sometimes it can feel hard to connect to the extensive worlds our children are exploring and creating in. I love every chance I get to connect on terms I can relate to. And it just so happens that the playground I want to be in is WORDS!
These books are a great way for us to share playgrounds. I get to learn a little more about what they are doing and they get to explore what the land of my playground looks and feels like (words & books) through the perspective of something they are deeply invested in and are interested in expanding their knowledge. It’s a perfect fit!
And who knows, maybe at some point, the storylines may become so intriguing that they may pick up the books themselves and deeepen their knowledge of their culture’s tools for absorbing knowledge… reading.
Till then, we will enjoy our free audio versions (for members) on Audible while we journey down the roads (literally) together!
Happy Trails!