Turns out no one has to “make sure” any socially responsive human learn’s any of the tools of their culture (reading, writing, and basic math are VITAL tools for American Culture). Any child left to their own pursuits will always either pick up reading and math on their own, or seek out the support they need to acquire these skills. By age 14 EVERY socially responsive child who is supported when they ask for support, and who is allowed to choose their own activities, knows how to read and has skill in basic math (6th grade is about all that is currently needed for our culture, though many of them far outstrip this.)
And… when they are allowed to choose their own pursuits, not only do they “catch-up” by 14, but they have also spent a HUGE amount of time working on other skills while they weren’t doing those basics. If a child waits till they are in 6th grade before asking to be taught math, I can cover ALL 6 YEARS in a single semester of them working.
20 class hours.
That’s it. That’s all it takes to absorb 7 YEARS of material. And… they never fail to acquire those 20 class hours, whether they choose to piece-meal them out over the years, gradually adding to their knowledge, or whether the clump them all up in a formal class at the end when they get ripped of in the business they have started because they need bigger and better gaming supplies… they ALWAYS learn them.
You have to trust that they will along the way. But there are now 100 documented years of children being formally educated in this unschooling way (Summerhill, and Sudbury Valley). They simply always learn it.
It’s safe to trust 💕
All my love,