Dear Sirs,
How can I lose weight in the way that I want? I want to lose weight and to get to my ideal body, but I feel a lot of resistance to dieting and exercise. I want to know how to get what I want in a way that I actually want.
Forever Fat
Dear Forever,
A great start to your thoughts on this topic that are molding each of your cells is the way you signed this letter. You see, those little words that you identify so well with are showing you something about what your beliefs are instructing your body to do. Those sweet words are a command of sorts for each cell to process its world in a way that follows those instructions.
You don’t realize it, but, you have actually believed that you do not get to, you are not ALLOWED to, you MAY NOT take up space in this world. You have believed that you do not deserve to have the space it takes you to BE. And so, your words and your body align with your deeper desire to be ALLOWED to take up ALL THE SPACE YOU WANT. And they speak things like this.
You interpret them to be bad. But actually, they are the most beautiful words of freedom your soul could speak…
You think of “fat” in a limited way. But what your soul is speaking are all the things you long for, you desire, you WANT.
No, these are not what you thought you were saying are they? But they ARE a longing that you have.
When you become able to see that your body is simply showing your desire for all of these blessings, and you thank it for reminding you that you GET to take up the space you want to take up, then, your body will not feel it necessary to remind you of it. And your weight will follow the new words of love and admiration that you begin to speak.
We love the fact that you GET to be ALL of the things only your body is allowed to be right now. Allow it. As you allow yourSELF to be all these things! You ARE. Take up all the space you want!!!!! EVERYWHERE.
All our love,
The Sirs