Dear Sirs, kids are fighting-I’m losing my cool!

Dear Sirs,

I find myself losing my cool when my kids fight. Any tips to beat the shadows?

Yours truly,


Dear Wishful,

Losing your cool, eh? What about being cool is it that you need to maintain? What is it that scares you about these shadows coming through? What do you need to feel good when you are in a situation like this instead of feeling bad?

Have you thought about what your emotions are telling you in this situation? What message are they bringing you? What are they sharing with you when you feel your peace ooze out of your body to be replaced by discomfort?

Have you thought about what is happening when your emotions bring you a message like this?

Let us posit that your emotions are simply the signal to you that you are believing something that is not aligned with yourself “cool” self. Your cool self, indeed, knows that your children are beautifully creating their own realities and that you are fully able to sit back and watch their creations unfold. Your cool self knows that you are not involved in what they are creating in those moments, but rather you are there to reach your arms of comfort out to them when they need relief from the creation they have made. Your cool self knows that as you remain aloof from limiting beliefs, they will be able to see what you are modeling and will be able to hear your explanations about how lovely it is to stay aligned with that cool self. Your cool self knows that being cool is just that, so nice and cool. So peaceful and easy. And so aligned with everything wanted. Your cool self knows that being aligned with what is wanted is preferred. Your cool self knows that staying cool feels good. Your cool self knows that cool is aligned.

And, to get back into cool… all you have to do is let go of the idea that is running against the cool. Just let go of the idea that what they are doing is affecting you. Sit back and watch. Breathe. Be a comfort for them when they are ready. Soothe them when their tears flow and share how it would feel so much better if they stayed with their cool-selves too. And let them know that they can always come to your side when they feel their cool self going away and you guys can cool-self together. And you can feel better together. Instead of being upset. Instead of feeling bad. Let them know that they can always come be cool with you and then they don’t have to lose their cool-selves either.

And see if that helps. See if you can be a cool-self-store for them, a rock, a steady coolness in the background where they can find solace when they want and need it. See if you can create THAT in their reality instead of being drawn into their strong little creations. Yes, we warrant, they are powerful creators, but you’re cool. You can sit back and watch their creation instead of being a player in it.

Try it. See if it feels better…

Yours truly,

The Sirs

To learn the process I use to get back in alignment with my cool-self, check out my course Manifesting Miracles for Your Family. It’s been a game-changer for me.

All my love,

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