I was asked today what I do to cultivate joy. I haven’t ever been so joyful as since I’ve started listening to these mediations. Wanted to post JOY here. Because… why not?!

I put them on as I drift off to sleep, put them on again when I arise and begin my day, more when someone (or pet) wakes me up and I can’t fall back to sleep, again when it’s nap time, when I’m stressed, when driving, or just in the background while cooking dinner.

Give it a listen. And then listen again when you go to sleep, and again and again for the next week. And then, notice how you are laughing just a little bit more, how you noticed some sparkle where it seemed dull before. Notice the shift. And feel it bubble up. Joy. Deep from within your soul.

And, if you like that warm, fuzzy feeling like you were a carefree kid again… listen to the whole set HERE. Just scroll toward the bottom of the page, for access to the whole series. The variety of topics is such that I have found them to cover every single uncomfortable feeling I ever have.

Listen… and listen… and listen again… first to the meditation and then… to the laughter bubbling up from your belly.


With all my love,


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