They learn everything they need from playing. My 7th grader has been at about 3rd grade reading level for years because he hasn’t needed reading for his passions. Last week, his six month stint of watching every anime TV series ever produced (for what feels like 8 hrs every single day) was abruptly discontinued in liu of reading their corresponding Manga books. He’d watched everything made into a TV Show, but the stories go on for years more in each series in the books.
He could either wait for the next seasons to come out, or pick up the books. He commissioned a trip to the book store and took up reading.
In the last SEVEN DAYS his reading has gone from a
3rd grade level….
to 9th-12th grade level!!!!!
He has consumed more than a book every 2 days. We leave for vacation Wednesday and he said he’ll have to bring at least 7 books with him. (Luckily we have an unschooling friend who is 6-months ahead of him and has already stocked up on all the books so he just borrowed 30-50 books from her!)
Never worry about how they’ll learn it. If they need your help, they’ll ask you for it. More likely something like what just happened for my son will happen and you’ll just be a bystander getting to watch miracles unfold for them!!!
For more examples and evidence that children learn without coercion check out Peter Gray’s writing like his classic book Free to Learn, and his newest books:
How Children Acquire Academic Skills without Instruction
Evidence that Self-Directed Education Works
Mother Nature’s Pedagogy: Biological Foundations for Children’s Self-Directed Education