Dear Sirs,

Do you have any advice or is there any message I need to hear from Source right now in terms of what I came here to do?


Lost and Confused

Dear Lost and Confused,

You are certainly sweet to ask. As you know, you can access us by writing a similar question on your own paper in front of you and then just writing down each word that pops into your mind after the word before it. We know, you will feel silly doing this. Everyone does at first. But just because it feels silly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.

Try it. Try just writing down this question. And then poise your pen above the paper and listen for a word. And then write just. That. Word. And then listen for another word. And then write. That. Word.

And do it over and over again until if feels like there is a summing up and completion; some type of sign-off. There will be one. If you get too tired and need to rest before the completion happens, put the pen down and pick it up again when you wake up. Read over what you wrote before and when you get to where you stopped, listen again for the next word. Write it down. Then listen for the next one. Don’t hesitate. Don’t second guess. Don’t edit. We are here with you. We have been waiting to come through your pen. We have much to bring to the world through you. We are excited to play with you.

Let’s do it!

When shall we practice? Can you meet tonight at ten pm? We will be ready. Can you bring your pen and listen?

Hoping excitedly,

The Sirs

Photo and hand embroidered hoop art courtesy of QuickBeamCrafts.

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