I completed this form based on the teaching of Shaman Durek in this video …
This form is designed to help you activate the Divine Feminine Spirit within you. Follow the steps to explore your highest and best through emotions; educate your ego and mind; and enhance feelings of positivity. Say each statement to the Divine Feminine Spirit then Record your experiences and create an invocation to carry with you throughout the day.
Step 0: Describe the topic on which you wish to raise your vibration.
Money/finances/receiving their easy and abundant flow.
Step 0.1: Feminine Spirit, when I remain out of alignment with you on this topic, show me the emotion that is beneficial to me.
Victimhood, weeping, “See! I told you so.”
Step 0.2: Feminine Spirit, show me how/why I have found this to be beneficial to me.
Proof. Proof that what felt badly for me actually WAS bad for me. Proof that I am not making this shit up, it actually IS problematic!
It’s not just a feeling, it is REAL. That is what benefit it provides me with.
Step 0.3: Are you ready to release holding on to what you have been believing was beneficial for you?
Step 1: Feminine Spirit, show me the emotions of your highest and best good on …[vocalize the current topic]. What emotion(s) were you shown?
Walking the town with a lightness, an airiness that I have not previously experienced. Like a fun little clown doing a silly foot jig.
Step 2: How do these emotions feel in your body? Describe in detail.
Light, airy, pleasant, floating, supported.
Step 3: Divine Feminine Spirit, educate my ego and mind about the emotions that have just been felt. Describe any sensations that may have accompanied this.
It comes with a happy growl/scream and hopping along like when you’re so excited and pulling your friend to your favorite theme park ride. In my body I feel it all over in the jumping, excited sensation but also in my stomach as a little fluttery feeling.
Step 4: Feminine Spirit, Increase the feeling of my highest good. By thousands, starting with 1,000 and moving up. How strong were you able to increase these emotions in your body?
I started with increasing 1,000 times and was able to go up by 1,000 increments to 10,000.
Step 5: Feminine Spirit, anchor these emotions to my body. Record how and where these emotions being experienced.
It seems to have anchored in the throat area, though as I was upleveling it, it was definitely expanding in my heart area. As the expansion happened, the imager in in my mind of doing that excited dance added a forward flip over the friend, then backwards, then super speed around and around them. As the eagerness and excitement intensified, it created a whirlwind around me and began sucking stuff into me, more and more and more till houses and cars and boats were being pulled in. Then there was a sense of me being inside the tornado, peacefully assembling all that was being sucked in but even though I had discontinued the excitement, the whirlwind continued to draw stuff into me. Perhaps this is how attraction works?
Step 6: Feminine Spirit, using the greater * good emotions that have been revealed, give me an invocation to repeat when I observe any lower vibe emotions showing me that l out of alignment with You. Record the invocation revealed by Feminine Spirit. Say it as needed throughout your days.